My First Time at a Christmas Tree Farm
Last weekend we ventured out in the cold to find our perfect Christmas Tree. Can you believe I've never been to a Christmas Tree Farm?! A work friend told us about one in Summerland, so off we went. As we pulled into the drive, I was surprised by the charming home at the front of the lot. The farm is this family's (very large) backyard. The husband and wife duo had a greeting space set up in their carport, Christmas tunes playing, hot coco, jam preserves for sale, along with a few pre-cut trees. We wondered the lot in search for the perfect tree. They had a lot of different types, and all shapes and sizes. And after searching and going back and forth, we ended up going with one that was pre-cut. And she's a beauty. I'll be sure to share some photos once we've decorated.
I'm so obsessed with how these photos turned out. I tried something a little different in the editing process, and I think it really creates a mood. A very festive one at that. Happy December!
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