Random Acts of Kindness December

Hey Guys! I've been feeling so inclined to do more to give back to my community and all of you, especially during this time of year, and even more especially during 2020 (which is finally nearing it's end! lol). So this month, I'm going to attempt 12 random acts of kindness. I may need your help to get to 12 though, so if you end up doing something kind for someone, either on purpose or it just kinda happened, I want to know about it!! I know that if we work together we can get to 12 random acts of kindness.
The acts can be so simple, buying someone a coffee, holding the door for someone behind you, donating to your local food bank, letting someone in line that has one item when you have more. There is really a lot of kind acts one can do for another.
Help me spread some kindness this December! Because kindness matters!
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