Real Talk: Business During A Pandemic

elizabeth o. vintage storefront

Hey Guys, time for another chat.  Now that we've been open for a couple of months now (already months guys! my mind is blown), I feel like we've gone through enough experience with our new store and steps in our business, to talk about this topic with a bit more confidence.  And the coles notes version: IT IS HARD.

There's no sugar coating that.  This time in the world is hard, and so uncertain.  This virus isn't just going to disappear, and the timeline for resolve is very unknown still at this point.  

Thus far, we've been making due with the situation, from a business standpoint, and I think our customers have been very understanding.  We've had precautions in place as best we can, and even when things started to seem as though the virus was getting under control, we kind of relaxed a bit on them, but as soon as the virus started to rear its ugly head again in our region, we had to become even stricter.  Lessoned learned that consistency in these procedures is key.  We are so grateful for everyone that has been coming in and the patience if we're at people capacity and have to wait a few minutes.  It's really what's been making all of this much easier, and much less stressful, so thank you!

Some things to look forward to from us during this pandemic, our online shop growing, our monthly newsletter coming to your inbox, new small brands coming to the shop (this is really important to me, we all need to lift each other up right now), online conversations through our social media like our Insta-stories, but also in store interactions, product launches, workshops, and so much more.

Craving normalcy is normal.  Eating in restaurants, going to the movies, shopping in a store, hugging friends and family, are all things we've done our whole lives, and when that's taken away and then slowly given back and then ultimately shouldn't have been yet, is a tough pill to swallow.  We begin to blame others and their behaviour, and lack of rule following. Holding each other accountable rather than calling each other out needs to be the way to address behaviour.  And I feel like I've been seeing a lot more call outs happening lately.  So, I ask you to self regulate, because you've got this! 

We are still so much in this together.  And the future is going to be different.  I feel so much for anyone that has been directly afftected by covid-19, been sick themselves, known someone that has, lost someone from it. My heart goes out to you.

The front line workers, the essential workers, the parents at home with their kids, the grandparents missing their grandkids, the people that live alone and are scared, the people that are learning new skills, the people that are in bed all day, the entrepeneurs getting creative with their businesses, and all the people inbetween, my heart goes out to you as well.  

Thanks so much for reading guys, I'm so thankful for you.


  • dpkzqybpce

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

  • yxEBYjGA


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