Why it's OK to take a break
I'm feeling refreshed and recharged after what ended up being my first time solo camping. it wasn't supposed to be me on my own, but things came up, such is life, and off I went.
I had come down with a bad cold the week before and was trying to finish things off at my day job knowing I had a break coming, but was suffering through it, and feeling bad for possibly calling in sick before a week off of vacation (luckily my workplace is lovely and understanding and we managed to get done what was needed before my time off). My body knew I was about to have a moment to simply stop. And it was forcing me to slow down.
I think with the success we have been having since the truck launching, I was constantly thinking of all the things to do more of. What events to book, working on marketing strategies, worrying about stock levels, emails upon emails, and getting a little too wrapped up in it all, that I wasn't noticing that things were already going smoothly and well. So, I took this camping getaway to reflect, on me and how I spend my time, and also to not think about anything but my surroundings.
And I managed to do just that, I totally vegged out. I could go somewhere if I wanted, and I could stay at the campsite if I wanted. I decided I'd like to go for a hike and have some physical activity in nature. That always helps bring me back to simple thoughts. I did use my phone to google that, and the directions to get there, but all things considered I made a commitment to not look at my phone, and I did pretty well at that. I put an out of office notification on the shop email and that set my mind at ease.
I've learned that I wasn't feeling stressed out, but I was feeling tired with a little bit of burn out. I am so passionate about my business, it brings me so much joy, but that doesn't mean I have to be on 24/7. I need to fill my cup in order to fill others. And the view in the photo above filled my cup. That and Kea being the cutest, most nap having dog in the world being with me.
Take a walk outside, get your favourite drink, take a deep breath, go be in nature. Take a break, you've earned it.
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